Hemant Dhane
‘’ Journey of an abstract painter is like turning the Tree upside down.
The journey begin from Seed to Tree, then it’s revert from Tree to seed.’’
– Hemant Dhane
For me process of painting is very sensitive, this process includes contemplation, experiment, invention, risk, pain, joy, restlessness & all the aspects of mental status. So this process keeps me animistic. This artistic process is very close to the spontaneity of nature. My nature is introverted so this impression can be seen in my works too.
When i look at my work neutrally. I feel they are so subtle & sensitive that a single thin scratch may disturb the whole painting. Viewer must see work very keenly to relish micro beauty of forms & delicate color hues .If you see my works critically, you can feel soft beauty of textural hue’s & also sense the illusion of color vibration. In few paintings the dark hues of colors creates the depth that pull your mind within the space. Color hues are sober & muted it creates the silence in painting. The whole impact of painting I tried to achieve in such a way that you don’t understand where forms are emerged and where they are blended in the color space.. In few art works I have experimented with new material to create 3D structure. This is close to my experimental psyche. At last I would say my paintings are not for to decorate the wall .They are so sensitive, that creates the sense of aesthetic.